Personal project

A wedding and a summer spent exploring North America


Visual design
Art direction
Print design

Case study hero image
Pollinate International
UI/UX, Design system, Art direction, Visual design, Brand development, Prototyping
The summer of 2019 in Ottawa, Ontario.

For those of you that haven't been Canada in the summer is a truly beautiful place. That is not to say that it is not beautiful the rest of the year but for me the wide open spaces really come to life during the summer months. Everything is vibrant. The sun is shining and the scenery is truly remarkable.

My partner is originally from Ottawa so in the summer of 2019 we made the decision to get married at a venue called Strathmere. Naturally being a designer I felt compelled to do all the things that come along with an event like this myself. So, for this project I created a mini brand which would serve as the visual anchor for our wedding (I may have gone too far). This is a personal project to show you a little more about me.


The requirement for this project was to design up the required printed visuals for this event and all the other pieces that may go along with it.


I created a simple brand to visually represent the event and designed all the deliverables that would be needed prior to the event and on the day of. I also produced a custom designed and printed book using my own photos and some the wedding photographer supplied.

Faces & Places

When thinking of a theme for our wedding I loved the idea of telling the narrative of how we got to where we are. We are greatly influenced by the experiences we have. The people we meet. The places we go. Everything feeds into this larger whole. To me this is a powerful idea. Taking this concept we decided to theme our wedding around ‘Faces & places’ acknowledging the concept and the idea behind it.

Faces & Places Logomark
Designing a logomark

Taking our overarching concept I then developed a bespoke logotype to represent the event. It was designed to be crisp and sleep with some little subtle elements woven into the design.

Faces & Places Logomark stacked
Colour variation of the Faces & Places logomark
Right aligned colour variation of the Faces & Places logomark

The event (to do)

Short paragraph about the day off. Texture shots gallery of the wedding...

The event itself

Printed materials

Next up were the printed materials. These covered all the obvious executions such as invites, place cards, menu’s, signage and little personal messages for each guest. The take home gifts for guests were also little jars of maple syrup sourced from a family member of my partner.

The Deliverables

A little something extra

Post wedding I wanted to do something a little extra with the photography. Being the pedantic designer I am I saw an opportunity to design some sort of photo book to remember the event. The outcome was a fully bespoke book for close friends and family made from the photos on the day and the overarching trip. I will not deny that this was somewhat indulgent but it was fun and gave us something unique and personal.

A spread from the Faces & Places photography book
A spread from the Faces & Places photography book
A spread from the Faces & Places photography book
Close up of a chapter heading page from the photography book
Close up of a page from the photography book
Close up of a page from the photography book

Credits & acknowledgements

It goes without saying that there were many people who contributed to this event. We had a lot of support from our friends and family. But a particular shoutout should go to my talented photographer friend Laura Szanto for her photography on the day itself.