Case study

Redefining an American icon for the digital era


UX/UI design
Web design
Product design
CX design
Digital guidelines

Lead Designer
Case study hero image
UX/UI design, Web design, Product design, Branding, CX design, Digital guidelines
A historic brand meets the digital era

Greyhound is undisputedly an American icon. A brand steeped in heritage. It’s services carry millions of passengers to over 3,800 destinations across the US & Canada. It forms a part of the fabric of American society even referenced in popular culture with references found in TV, Film and books.

But Greyhound had an image problem. It had fallen behind. They set out to change all that by transforming their business to meet the needs of customers in the digital era and ultimately increase the frequency with which customers booked a journey with Greyhound.


Our challenge was to completely redesign the Greyhound customer experience. This covered all of Greyhound’s touchpoint’s across the entire customer journey.


We completely redesigned the Greyhound booking experience and seamlessly embedded it as part of a new digital hub. We also repositioned the Greyhound app and overhauled the design to make it more relevant to their customers needs.

Uplift in transactions
Uplift in revenue
Improvement in conversion
Bima winner
Consumer services category

Positioning the touchpoints

One of the first considerations we had was how best to position the various touchpoints that Greyhound had. Other than the physical kiosks and ticket offices the major digital touchpoints were the website and the mobile app. We positioned the Website as the ‘before travelling’ point of contact and repositioned the mobile app as the ‘travel companion’.

Hero visual of the website
An opportunity to explore

Greyhound while widely known was seen as a workhouse of a brand. Its low cost approach branded it with a certain brush. We wanted to evolve this image to put the focus on the adventures you can have and the places you can see by taking greyhound buses. We wanted to inspire customers with these stories. To do this we created unique city guides which showcased some of Greyhounds destinations.

A design visual showcasing the city guides section of the Greyhound website
Creating city guides
Finessing the e-commerce experience

One of our core aims in this challenge was to improve the booking experience for the users. Ultimately if we could improve this experience this would make it both easier and more likely that customers would book repeat journeys with Greyhound. This took the form of features such as 'one click checkout', overhauling the schedule page and improving the end to end booking journey.

A visual showing the design for the first iteration of the 'one click' checkout process
Creating a one click checkout process
Visual showing the Greyhound design on mobile device
Visual showing the confirmation screen on a mobile device
Visual of a customers Greyhound ticket on a tablet device

Introducing a travel companion

As the final part of the repositioning work that we did we looked to establish the Mobile app as the customers ‘travel companion’ during their journeys with Greyhound. With this in mind we approached the design with a 'just in time' mentality. The underlying principle was that we wanted to personalise their experience and only show users what they needed to see at that point in their journey. Additionally we were always looking to add value in ways that would improve the customers journey and give them the best possible experience.

Visuals for the Greyhound travel companion app


The project in its entirety was a large, challenging undertaking. It set the tone of an ongoing relationship that lasted over a total of 5 years. We met and exceeded the aims of increasing ticket sales and conversion rates across the website. Our work for Greyhound was the proud winner of a Bima award in the Digital transformation catergory.